Yealmpton Dental Practice is rated as a ‘centre of excellence’ that treats patients for general dentistry and takes referrals for treatment, including endodontics, periodontics, prosthodontics, and restorative dentistry. Our specialist dentist Devon also offers dental implants. We are keen to provide individual treatment plans for all our patients, and our Practice has a welcoming environment that should make you feel right at home. Whatever your dental needs are, our specialist dentist Devon is here to help.
What are dental implants?
Dental implants are a type of tooth replacement that uses titanium screws to anchor artificial teeth into the jawbone; these can be crowns, bridges, or dentures, depending on how many teeth you need to replace. Implants are a permanent solution for missing teeth and can improve your smile, speech, and overall oral health, potentially preventing further issues. They should also prevent your replacement teeth from loosening, which will allow you to feel like you have natural teeth again, and they will certainly look like they are since the replacement teeth will be made to complement any of your remaining teeth.
How do I get dental implants?
The first step in getting dental implants is to have a consultation with one of our dentists. During an initial consultation, we will assess your oral health and determine whether you are a good candidate for implants; this will include checking whether you have enough bone density in your jaw for the implants to be attached. If you don’t, worry not, as we may be able to use a bone graft to prepare your jawbone for implantation. If you can have dental implants, we will create a treatment plan that includes the placement of the implants and the fabrication of the artificial teeth.
Having your dental implants will take a couple of appointments as it is a two-step process. During the first appointment, we will place the titanium screws into your jawbone. These screws will fuse to your bone over several weeks, and we will attach temporary replacement teeth to the screws while this healing takes place. During the second appointment, we will attach your replacement teeth to the implants.
The advantages of choosing dental implants
There are many advantages to choosing dental implants, such as the fact that they are natural-looking and very stable - just like natural teeth! Dental implants can also help to improve your chewing ability and the clarity of your speech. They are also very durable. If you take care of them by cleaning your teeth regularly, flossing and coming to see us for routine checkups, your implants could last a lifetime. They should also be very comfortable in your mouth as they should just feel like your natural teeth, allowing you to treat them that way too!
So, if you are missing teeth, dental implants could be the answer for you. They can improve your smile, speech, and overall oral health. To learn more about our ‘centre of excellence’ treatments, visit our specialist dentist Devon to get an excellent smile.