At Yealmpton Dental Practice we offer a full range of dental services as well as specialist dentist Devon referrals for endodontics, periodontics, prosthodontics, restorative dentistry and dental implants. Dental excellence includes complete patient focus in all the different elements of the dental surgery, from the time that you make an appointment to when your treatment is finished. All of our staff work to maintain our core values of providing the most innovative and advanced dental treatments while ensuring patient comfort.

Preventive dentistry
It is important that maintaining healthy teeth and gums must become as routine as getting up in the morning. Motivation is the key to achieving success and we are constantly striving to ensure that excellence is not something that is just unattainable but it is the level to strive to maintain. To maintain oral health you need to learn from an early age why your teeth and gums are so important. This is why we encourage and motivate you, if you have children, to bring them into our surgery from a young age. Bring them with you when you come for your six monthly routine check-up, let them see you adhering to your dental regime. Early introduction to our dental surgery will allow us to identify any problem that may be exhibiting benign symptoms, but that may develop into something serious later. If we do identify anything then our specialist dentist Devon will be able to give early advice. Six monthly dental visits help to maintain your dental hygiene and allow you to maintain fresh breath.
Dental emergency
If you are unfortunate enough to require dental emergency care you can rely on us to help, because we offer appointments for all dental emergencies. If you have damaged your teeth as a result of an accident or injury, it is important to get to see us as soon as possible. It is important that you don’t try and suffer through the pain. Facial or gum swelling is an indication that something serious may be happening, it is wiser to let us look at it.
Looking good and functioning properly
Our priority is to ensure that your teeth are performing the function that they were designed to perform, to chew your food. Where possible we will try to save a tooth that has dental decay and in some cases root canal therapy may be a solution which we can offer. Where a filling is necessary we will also consider the aesthetics and may recommend a white filling. If you have chipped or cracked teeth our team is experienced in using porcelain veneers to give you a more even and confident smile. Teeth whitening has become very popular and we will provide you with a treatment that is gentle and gives you the result that you are looking to achieve. If you have lost any teeth we can also provide bridges or dentures and in addition the more stable and permanent dental implant.
As we are a specialist dentist Devon you will not have to be treated by a dentist outside of your normal surgery. We can provide endodontic, periodontal, prosthodontic and restorative dentistry treatments so that you are treated by a clinician you know.