Have you recently had a tooth infection? Or perhaps there has been damage to one of your teeth that has led to the pulp being exposed?
In either situation, the most likely treatment option that you will be offered is a root canal.
When you come to Yealmpton Dental Practice, we can offer more than a standard root canal. Our specialist dentist Devon can help patients who may need a bit more help with this procedure and can offer a more thorough approach to this procedure. Great!
So, what exactly is a root canal, why is it needed and why might you need to see our specialist dentist Devon to have one performed? Read on to find out!
What is a root canal?
Also known as endodontics, a root canal involves the removal of the pulp of the tooth and infected material from the inside of the tooth after an infection has occurred. In some cases, you may need a root canal performed if you have suffered a trauma to your tooth or if you suffer from extreme dental sensitivity which has failed to respond to other treatments.
Due to the shape of human teeth and roots, there may be instances during which a regular dentist is unable to offer this treatment, and you will be referred to our specialist dentist Devon to have the procedure conducted.
Complications of a root canal
OK, when we say complications, we don’t mean unfortunate things that can happen afterwards!
In this instance, we are going to look at why you may need a specialist to perform the procedure. You may have roots that are longer than average, more slanted or, in some cases, they may be tangled. Yes, your teeth can have roots that on an x-ray look tangled!
And as a general dentist may not have the tools to be able to cope with such an eventuality, you may need to see a specialist endodontist, which is where our team at Yealmpton Dental comes in!
Advantages of a root canal
Few dental patients are overly enthused at the thought of having a root canal but, there are many advantages.
For one thing, this procedure means that you will not have to undertake an extraction, which can cause not only an aesthetic problem but can lead to secondary complications with your oral health such as plaque and decay.
Then there's the aftercare; following an extraction, there may be stitches that need to be removed, soreness to the gums and of course, the concerns that an infection will occur. With a root canal, there may be some soreness (a feeling of bruising) underneath the tooth but that's about it! But it is advised that you wait at least a month after having a root canal to undertake dental whitening, as the tooth and the nerves will need a bit of time to recover.
Provided that you maintain good oral hygiene and see our team every 6 months for check-ups, a root canal should last the rest of your life without issue.
If you have concerns that your root canal is failing, then please call our team for an emergency appointment.